September 2021 Newsletter

Annual Meeting…
The HOA Board of Directors decided to cancel this year’s Annual Meeting. We decided it is not appropriate, to once again, hold an indoor gathering considering the increase of local restrictions. We will continue to share information through USPS mailings, emails, and our website. For topics you planned to discuss at the meeting, please email the HOA at
Architectural Changes…
The HOA processed over 28 Architectural Change Requests this year. This form is required for fences, decks, patios, shed, roofs, siding, changing shutter/door style/color. If you’re not sure if you need a form, please email the HOA. We complete them very quickly, so please do not hesitate to drop them in the 5 Hunter Creek Drive Mailbox or email them to The form is located on our website under the Bylaws page.
Adherence to HOA Bylaws…
We would like to thank those homeowners who have consistently maintained the appearance of their property and for abiding by the simple rules of our community’s HOA. We cannot thank you enough! This year, we sent 8 Official Notices to remind homeowners of our rules and bylaws.
Trailers & Campers…
Our Bylaws state “No unregistered, inoperative or un-inspected vehicles, buses, boats, recreational vehicles, tractors, motor homes, trailers or commercial trucks shall be stored in the community unless it is stored inside of a garage with the door closed. No tractors, trailers, motor homes, commercial trucks are to be stored or parked in the development.”
To remain flexible and allow homeowners the ability to load campers/trailers, the HOA lawyer recommended the following time limitations. This helps set limits on how long and how frequent trailers are in the neighborhood.
“No tractors, trailers, motor homes or commercial trucks are to be parked in the development for more than 4 consecutive hours at a time and must have at least 48 hours between occurrences. Overnight storage may be approved for beginning and ending season preparation or maintenance projects. You must obtain approval from the Executive Board if exceeding the 4-hour limit for any reason. The Executive Board may grant no more than 4 exceptions for any Unit in any one calendar year.“
Lawn Signs…
Our Bylaws state “No advertising signs or billboards (includes political signs) shall be permitted of any of the Units, except, however, the signs of real estate companies, not exceeding four (4) square feet, advertising Units for sale. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Declarant reserves the right to maintain signs identifying the development of the Property or for the purpose of marketing the Units.” The HOA has sent reminder notices to homeowners for the following signs that should NOT be posted in yards: Trump, Biden, BLM, Police Department Signs, Unmask/Mask, Anti/Pro Vaccination etc. In other words, let’s not subject our neighbors to individual political views and opinions.
Additional Bylaw Reminders…
Lawns are to be kept no higher than 8 inches. Your lawn should also be trimmed and swept clean after each mowing. Weeds should be removed from the curbs.
No garbage, trash cans, or other refuse containers shall be kept in front of or beside any unit for more than 24 hours before or after the day of regular pickup.
No personal property shall be stored in the front or side yards of the property.
View all HOA Bylaws and fine amounts at
Responsible Dog Ownership…
Please be a responsible dog owner by following Pennsylvania leash laws and picking up after them using doggy bags. It is against the law and unsanitary to leave dog feces in your front yard or someone else’s property. If you are too busy to walk your dog, let it out in your back yard instead of your front yard.
Iroquois Drive Street Lights…
The 4 additional streets have been ‘energized’ by Met-Ed and are now part of the HOAs expense and responsibility to maintain/repair. If you observe any issues with these lights, please email the HOA.
Planning to sell or rent...
The HOA has processed 12 Resale Packets this year. If you are selling your house, you must provide a “Resale Packet” to your purchasers. As soon as you have a contract on your house, have your real estate agent contact for this packet.
Email Subscription…
We send out reminders such as: when trash pickup day is different; reminder of annual dues; trick-or-treat date; christmas tree pick up date; and any other important information that needs to be shared with the community. Simply go to and Click ‘Sign Up Now‘.