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Homeowner Bylaws

Everyone was issued a copy of the HOA By-laws and Covenants at settlement.  Additional copies can be purchased from the HOA for $15.00. If you choose to rent your house, make sure your tenants receive a copy and are made aware of our rules.


The following summarizes the Hunter Creek by-laws and covenants.  

Residents must also adhere to Conewago Township Ordinances.

Fine Amounts

  1. Leaving garbage cans sitting out beyond "trash day" (Friday) in excess of twenty-four (24) hours before or after the day or days of regular schedule pickup. - $50.00 in first occurrence, with increase of $25.00 on each additional instance within a 6 month period.

  2. Failing to get prior approval from Board when putting up a fence or deck - $100.00 per month and you will be required to take down the fence or deck.

  3. Returned check fee - $50.00 per each occurrence.

  4. Property not properly maintained, specifically lawn mowing and trimming in accordance with the by-laws, will result in a $100.00 fine the first occurrence; every occurrence after that will be $100.00 per occurrence. (Within a 12-month period)

  5. Allowing dogs to run without a leash and/or failure to clean up after them: $25.00 for the first violation with an increase of $25.00 for each additional instance. (For example, a person’s 4th violation would cost $100.00

  6. Homeowners who do not obtain board approval prior to installing a swimming pool above 24 inches in height will be fined $250.00 per week and will be required to dismantle the pool. Please see the Swimming Pool section below for more details.

  7. Failure to follow the Vehicle and Boats rules will result in a fine of $50.00 a day per vehicle for first occurrence.  Additional violations will increase by $25.00 per day per vehicle within a 12 month period.


The Association, or any Owner, shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens, and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Failure by the Association or by any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to so thereafter.

Architectural Control and Restrictions

No building, fence, wall, deck, shed, patio or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained on any Unit, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be made until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to Directors of the Association, or by an architectural committee composed of three (3) or more representatives appointed by the Board.


To request a change, complete the following form and return to the community mailbox located at 5 Hunter Creek Drive.


Architectural Change Request Form


In the event said Board, or its designated committee, fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within ninety (90) days after said plan and specifications have been submitted to it, approval will not be required and the Owner shall be deemed to have complied with the provisions of this Article.

Lawn Care and Sidewalks

Homeowners are responsible for maintaining their lawn and ensuring that grass does not exceed 8 inches in height.  Grass and weeds should be trimmed regularly and removed from the curb/street. Homeowners are also responsible for shoveling snow from sidewalks and driveways within their property boundary. Common grass and sidewalks are maintained by the HOA and are outlined on the FAQ page map. 

Vehicles and Boats

No unregistered, inoperative or un-inspected vehicles, buses, boats, recreational vehicles, tractors, motor homes, trailers or commercial trucks shall be stored in the community unless it is stored inside of a garage with the door closed.  


No tractors, trailers, motor homes, commercial trucks are to be stored or parked in the development.


Note: The HOA Board interprets this rule to prohibit any type of commercial vehicle (not just 'trucks').  A vehicle is considered commercial when it belongs to or is registered to a company, is used for business or has permanent company logos/information displayed on the exterior of the vehicle.


Residential Purposes Only

Units may be used for residential purposes only, and not store, tavern, beauty salon, barbershop or other public commercial or industrial establishment shall be maintained therein without the specific prior written consent of the Board of Directors.


All Unit roofs are to be of brown, black or slate asphalt shingles, or of other conservative color or material as approved by the Board of Directors. No change in color or material of a Unit roof shall be made without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors.


No advertising signs or billboards shall be permitted of any of the Units, except, however, the signs of real estate companies, not exceeding four (4) square feet, advertising Units for sale. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Declarant reserves the right to maintain signs identifying the development of the Property or for the purpose of marketing the Units.


No poles, wires or appliances upon which clothes are exposed or hung for any purpose shall be erected or maintained on any property.

Swimming Pools

No swimming pools of any type shall be erected or maintained on any Property without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors using the Application for Backyard Swimming Pool 

In Summary:

  • Renters must obtain written permission from the homeowner for having a pool.

  • Homeowner must obtain a permit from Conewago Township for the pool.

  • Homeowner must agree to follow all applicable state and local laws and regulations. Conewago Township Swimming Pool Ordinance (page 52)

  • Homeowner must maintain the proper insurance for the pool.

  • Homeowner must release the HOA and HOA Board members from all liability concerning pool.

  • In addition to the Conewago Township regulations, pools less than 24” high do not require board approval but must be securely covered or emptied when not in use.

  • In addition to the Conewago Township requirements, Homeowner must erect a 6 foot fence around the backyard with a locking gate.

  • Architectural Change Request forms must be completed for both the 6-foot fence and the swimming pool.

  • Homeowners who do not obtain board approval will be fined $250 per week and will be required to dismantle the pool.

Swimming Pool


No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any Property or in any Unit except that dogs, cats or other customary household pets may be kept provided that they are not raised, bred or kept for any commercial purpose. Pets must be kept, maintained and controlled so as to minimize noise, offensive odors and physical damage to any of the Units or the Common Area. No pets of any kind shall be permitted in the front or side yards of the buildings. Dogs are not to be kept outside.


No garbage, trash cans, or other refuse containers shall be kept in front or beside any Unit for a period in excess of twenty-four (24) hours before or after the day or days of regular schedule pickup.

Temporary Structures

No structure of a temporary nature or any outbuilding shall be erected or maintained on any property at any time without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors.


Fencing of any area is prohibited without Association approval.

Personal Property

No personal property shall be stored or maintained in the front or side yard areas of the property, including but not limited to unkept hoses, hose reels, toys, and other lawn care equipment.

Conewago Township Ordinances

In addition to the Hunter Creek by-laws and covenants, residents must also abide by the ordinances for Conewago Township.

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