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September 2019 Newsletter

Annual Meeting…

The Annual Meeting of the HOA will be Tuesday, October 22nd from 7:30-9:00 PM at the Zions View Park Building. The address is 140 Copenhaffer Rd, York PA 17404 Susquehanna Trail (next to the blue and yellow playground, between the baseball fields). We hope to see you there.


Will be Thursday, October 31st from 6:00-8:00 PM. Please remember to drive carefully through our neighborhood and that trick-or-treaters go to houses with ‘lights on’.

Neighborhood Improvements…

We would like to thank those homeowners who have consistently maintained the appearance of their property and for abiding by the simple rules of our community’s HOA. We cannot thank you enough! However, 5-10% of our residents are lowering property values by not maintaining their homes and not following the HOA rules. The HOA will begin issuing fines immediately to these homes for non-adherence to the following bylaws:

  • Failure to properly maintain your lawn. Lawns are to be kept no higher than 8 inches. Your lawn should also be trimmed and swept clean after each mowing. Weeds should be removed from the curbs.

  • No unregistered, inoperative or un-inspected vehicles, buses, boats, recreational vehicles, tractors, motor homes, trailers or commercial trucks shall be stored in the community unless it is stored inside of a garage with the door closed.

  • No garbage, trash cans, or other refuse containers shall be kept in front of or beside any unit for more than 24 hours before or after the day of regular pickup.

  • No personal property shall be stored in the front or side yards of the property.

View all bylaws and fine amounts at

In addition, please fix your mailboxes that are leaning, falling over, or simply falling apart. Several mailboxes throughout the neighborhood are looking ‘unkept’ and should be addressed (no pun intended).

We also ask that if you see trash in our streets, please take a moment to pick it up. Encourage your children to do the same so we can be proud to live in a clean neighborhood.

Lastly, DO NOT dispose of any waste down the street drains. This includes: grass clippings; paper; lawn mower oil/gasoline; anti-freeze etc. These drains go directly to creeks surrounding our neighborhood.

Architectural Changes…

The HOA processed 16 Architectural Change Requests this year. We complete them very quickly, so please do not hesitate to drop them in the 5 Hunter Creek Drive Mailbox. The form is located on our website under the Bylaws page. For questions about Architectural Changes, please contact HOA board member, Marcie Garbarino at 410-960-7053.

Planning to sell or rent...

The HOA has processed 10 resale packets this year. If you are selling your house, you must provide a “Resale Packet” to your purchasers. As soon as you have a contract on your house, have your real estate agent contact Eric Dadeboe at 717-424-1212 or for this packet.

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