May 2018 Newsletter

HOA Board Member Positions… The nomination deadline was January 1st 2018. Only the current board members were re-nominated. No voting is required and no new members will be added this year. The current list of HOA Board Members remains as follows: Josh Starner (President); David Spieles (Treasurer); Eric Dadeboe (Secretary); Marcie Garbarino (Architectural Change Support); And one vacant position.
Clotheslines Voting Results…
Only 47% of eligible voters voted in favor of changing the HOA By-Laws to allow the use of non-permanent/temporary clotheslines. 75% is required to change an existing By-Law.
Therefore, the existing By-Law remains in effect:
“No poles, wires or appliances upon which clothes are exposed or hung for any purpose shall be erected or maintained on any property.”
Trash & Debris…
With the recent high-winds, there has been trash scattered throughout the neighborhood. If you see a piece of trash, please take a moment to pick it up. If you have children, try giving them a garbage bag and ask them to help ‘clean up our community’. You’ll be surprised at how quickly one bag will fill up! And how much nicer the streets look without trash along the curbs.
Lawn Care & Maintenance…
With lawn mowing season fast approaching, we’d like to remind the community that:
Grass should never exceed 8 inches in height.
Grass should be trimmed along sidewalks and mailbox posts.
Weeds should be removed from curb/street.
‘Curb-Appeal’ goes a long way in maintaining property value.
Architectural Changes…
Thank you to all homeowners who have been improving their property and home value through various projects. Since last September, the HOA has processed 25 Architectural Change Requests Forms. This form is located on our website under the Bylaws page. For questions about Architectural Changes, please contact HOA board member, Marcie Garbarino at 410-960-7053.
Email Subscription…
We send out reminders such as: when trash pickup day is different; reminder of annual dues; trick-or-treat date; christmas tree pick up date; and any other important information that needs to be shared with the community. Simply go to and Click ‘Sign Up Now‘.