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September 2017 Newsletter

Annual Meeting…

The Annual Meeting of the HOA will be held on Tuesday, October 24th from 7:30-9:00 PM at the Zions View Park Building. The address is 140 Copenhaffer Rd, York PA 17404 Susquehanna Trail (next to the blue and yellow playground, between the baseball fields). We hope to see you there.


Will be on Tuesday, October 31st from 6:00-8:00 PM. Please remember to drive carefully through our neighborhood and that trick-or-treaters go to houses with ‘lights on’.

Architectural Changes…

Thank you to all homeowners who have been upgrading their property and home value through various projects. Since last September, the HOA has processed 16 Architectural Change Requests Forms. This form is located on our website under the Bylaws page. For questions about Architectural Changes, please contact HOA board member, Marcie Garbarino at 410-960-7053.

Hunter Creek Phase 5 (Iroquois Drive)…

On February 13, 2017, the Hunter Creek HOA officially amended its declaration to include the remaining 21 parcels into our HOA. Homes are being developed and built by Keystone Homes and will be comparable in size and price to rest of the neighborhood. At settlement, each new homeowner will pay their contribution fee and become dues paying members of our HOA.

Being a Good Neighbor…

The HOA continues work with a few homeowners each year on the following items. Please review this list and determine if you are ‘that’ neighbor and do your best to respect your property and the property of others.

Are you…

  • Allowing grass to exceed 8 inches in height

  • Not trimming your grass along sidewalks and mailbox posts

  • Not removing weeds growing along your curb/street

  • Not sweeping or blowing away grass clippings from driveways and sidewalks

  • Leaving unregistered, inoperative or recreational vehicles in the street

  • Leaving trash in front yards or along curbs

  • Storing personal property (such as trash cans) in the front-or-side of your house

  • Not shoveling side-walks within 24 hours of snowfall (also a township law)

  • Not cleaning up after your pets

Planning to sell or rent...

If you are selling your house, you must provide a “Resale Packet” to your purchasers. As soon as you have a contract on your house, have your real estate agent contact Eric Dadeboe at 717-424-1212 or for this packet.

Email Subscription…

We send out reminders such as: when trash pickup day is different; reminder of annual dues; trick-or-treat date; christmas tree pick up date; and any other important information that needs to be shared with the community. Simply go to and Click ‘Sign Up Now‘.

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