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October 2016 Newsletter

Annual Meeting…

The Annual Meeting of the HOA will be held on Thursday, October 20th from 7:30-9:00 PM at the Zions View Park Building. The address is 140 Copenhaffer Rd, York PA 17404 Susquehanna Trail (next to the blue and yellow playground, between the baseball fields). We hope to see you there.

Voting Results…

Thank you to all that voted recently on our two new items. We had 65 responses out of 108 homes, which met the requirement outlined in our By-Laws for an official vote to become effective.

  • Solar Panels: 60 Yes; 4 No; 1 No Response (92% Yes).

  • Asphalt driveways: 52 Yes and 13 No (80% Yes).

Though both of these measures have passed with over 75% approval, you are still required to get an Architectural Change approval through the HOA Board prior to installing Solar Panels or Asphalt Driveways. Visit our websites Rules and Regulations page to download the Request Form. For questions, contact Marcie Garbarino at 410-960-7053.

Lawn Maintenance…

  • The HOA Board Members have been going door-to-door (where needed) to remind residents to keep grass below 8 inches high and to remove street-side weeds.

  • We’d like to thank those of you who have cooperated with us in making the neighborhood more presentable.

  • For homes that we visit repeatedly, we will be forced to issue fines in the amount of $70.00.

  • For a full list of Rules and Fines, visit the Rules and Regulations page.

Other Reminders…

  • Homeowners must shovel snow from sidewalks and driveways within their property boundary within 24 hours.

  • Clean up after your pets! It is the pet owner’s responsibility to dispose of their pets’ waste.

Planning to sell or rent...

If you are selling your house, you must provide a “Resale Packet” to your purchasers. As soon as you have a contract on your house, have your real estate agent contact Eric Dadeboe at 717-424-1212 or for this packet.

If you choose to rent your house, make sure your tenants get a copy of the HOA Bylaws and Covenants. Everyone was issued a copy of these at settlement. Additional copies can be purchased from the HOA for $10.00.

Email Subscription…

Signing up is optional and your email address will only be visible to the HOA Board Members. We send out reminders such as: when trash pickup day is different; reminder of annual dues; trick-or-treat date; christmas tree pick up date; and any other important information that needs to be shared with the community. Simply click ‘Sign Up Now ‘ from our home page.

For questions or concerns, use the Contact Us page.

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