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Meeting Minutes...

The Annual Meeting of the HOA was held on Wednesday, October 15th from 7:30-9:00 PM at the Strinestown Community Center. In addition to the 4 HOA Board Members, 4 residents attended. The meeting lasted roughly 1 hour and the following items were discussed.

Fire Pits:

Though our HOA Bylaws and Covenants do not mention a restriction on open burning or fire pits, the Conewago Township DOES have a burn ordinance on their website

The township’s burn ordinance states the following:

-Any fire set solely for recreational or ceremonial purposes contained within a fire ring shall not exceed 4’ in diameter.

-Any fire set solely for cooking food contained within a fire ring shall not exceed 4’ in diameter.

These types of fires do not require permits. The rules for burning brush and other forms of yard waste are a more complicated and require permits. We ask that you read the full ordinance or contact the Township office at 266-2122 or for any addition questions.

School Bus Issues:

Several residents have reported the school busses driving too fast in our community and sited specific problems with some of the bus drivers. To file an official complaint, it is recommended that you attend a Northeastern School Board meeting so that your statement is recorded publicly. Contacting the school or bus company directly may not result in any action to be taken.

The Northeastern School District Board of School Directors meets twice a month for board meetings. The meetings are generally held the first and third Mondays of every month but July. The first meeting of the month is the "Work Session" where generally no voting takes place but the board has the opportunity to discuss upcoming topics and issues, and the second meeting of the month is the voting session or the "Regular Board Meeting". The meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held at the Administration Center, 41 Harding Street, Manchester, PA 17345.

More information and minutes can be found at:

Storm water drainage:

It was brought to the Boards attention that trash is coming out of the storm water drains due to residents and children putting soda cans etc. down the street drains. Please remind your children to dispose of their trash appropriately. The HOA Board will be coordinating the cleanup of the drains and additional lawn maintenance to clear excess brush from the drainage pipes.

Electrical Grounding of Gas Line:

During a recent maintenance call to a resident’s home, the gas company noted that the home’s grounding wire should have been directly bonded to the gas line to mitigate damage from an indirect lightning flash. Apparently this code has been in place since 2006. For more information, you can Google “direct bonding of gas line” or contact your gas provider.

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