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Hunter Creek HOA Newsletter

The Annual Meeting of the Hunter Creek HOA will be held on Wednesday, October 16th from 7:30-9:00 PM at the Strinestown Community Center. The address is 5765 Susquehanna Trail – directly behind the United Brethren Church, across the street from the Strinestown Fire Station – (where you go to vote). We hope to see you there.

We hired a new lawn maintenance contractor for the current year. We think they are doing a good job. They recently replaced the dead tree at the Copenhaffer Road entrance to the community.

We are still having some issues with owners not cleaning up after their dogs. It’s a shame that a very few people can ruin the community for everyone.

If you want to put up a deck or fence please contact Marcie Garbarino @ 266-2030.

She will assist you with the appropriate forms to be filled out for HOA Board approval before you can put up the fence or deck. Please remember to do this in a timely manner as the board has 30 days to reply – Plan accordingly.

Your fees pay for the street lights, lawn service & snow removal for common grounds, legal services as required, insurance, and operating procedures; each mailing for example costs nearly $100.00 so we try to conserve as much as possible. Our budget is small compared with most HOAs. We are also responsible for stormwater maintenance, and that will be quite expensive if a problem occurs. We are keeping a larger reserve balance to offset these costs, so we can avoid raising dues or imposing special assessments in the future. Finally, as a reminder, your board saves each of you at least $200.00 a year by not having a management company and does the taxes gratis each year that in the past cost us $400.

If you are considering selling your house, you will be required to provide a “Resale Packet” to your purchasers. As soon as you have a contract on your house, have your real estate agent contact Harriet Davis at 266-2328 for this packet.

If you choose to rent your house, make sure your tenants get a copy of the HOA Bylaws and Covenants. Everyone was issued a copy of these at settlement. If you need another copy, you can purchase one from the HOA for $10. Call Harriet Davis at 266-2328.

Remember that the speed limit within our Hunter Creek community is 25. Please remind your teenage drivers.

We’ve noticed some people’s garbage & recycle flying around the neighborhood on windy days. Please make sure your trash is secured so it won’t blow away.

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